How to buy SMDUCK
Step 1 - Create a MetaMask wallet
Create a MetaMask Wallet using your desktop computer or an iOS/Android smartphone. That will allow you to buy, sell, send, and receive SMDUCK.
Step 2 - Send BNB to your wallet
You can transfer BNB to your MetaMask Wallet from exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, etc. Make sure to use the BEP-20 network when transferring BNB.
Step 3 - Connect your wallet to PinkSale
Connect your wallet to PinkSale by clicking โConnect Walletโ and selecting MetaMask.
Step 4 - Buy SMDUCK on Fair Launch
You can start buying as soon as Fair Launch will start! Enter the BNB amount to be used for buying the SMDUCK token and click "Buy with BNB".
Step 5 - Claim your SMDUCK tokens
Once the Fair Launch is over, you can claim the SMDUCK tokens you purchased. Add the token to the contract address in order to withdraw the tokens to your MetaMask wallet. Contract Address: 0xE79269544517188A38938A599ccdaF8F90818812
Last updated